The Power of Ritual

Last winter, I listened to an episode of the podcast On Being featuring Katherine May, in which she discussed the importance of ritual in our lives– to mark the passage of time, to give us hope, to bring communities together at regular intervals. I found the interview so compelling that I’ve been thinking about ritual ever since. […]

Your Yes to Us – Oct. 20, 2022

You are the God who is simple, direct, clear with us and for us.You have committed yourself to us.You have said yes to us in creation            yes to us in our birth,            yes to us in our baptism,            yes to us in our awakening this day. But we are of another kind,            more accustomed to “perhaps, maybe, we’ll see,”            left in wonderment and ambiguity. We […]


This is the time of lengthening daylight as our daystar, the Sun, shines more directly on our planet each day. Though ice covers the ground where I live, green shoots are beginning to appear. And yet, another ice storm is coming. How is Earth protecting or preparing for new life? Why is the struggle of […]

Into the Muddy River – Mar. 17, 2020

“Jesus’ reaction to John’s preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins was a crucial turning-point. He could have kept his distance, an innocent young man conscious of unbroken faithfulness to God, looking with pity on the thousands of ordinary people who were overwhelmed by the realization of their own moral inadequacy. But […]