

In the story of the annunciation, Mary responded to the angel, “How can this be?” That simple question echoes through the centuries and reverberates in me today. Close to Christmas morning now, my heart kneels in wonder at the incomprehensible mystery of the eternal Word and the specific Word of Jesus.  The poetic beginning of John’s Gospel […]

How to Love God

The words “Hear, O Israel, the Lord is God, the Lord is One” have been familiar to me for longer than I can remember. Of course, I tend to remember them better in the original Hebrew that I learned to chant as soon as I could talk, and Jesus seems to have learned a different […]

To Stand in Awe – June 26, 2020

“See how they love one another.” Not a bad gauge of health. “There was no needy person among them.” A better metric would be hard to find. There is one line that stopped me in my tracks: “And awe came upon everyone.” It would seem that, quite possibly, the ultimate measure of health in any […]

Shining Like the Sun

There is a story about two young fish merrily swimming along who encounter an old fish swimming the other way. The old fish says, “Good morning, boys. How do you like the water today?” The young fish swim on a bit and then one turns to the other and says, “What’s water?” Awareness of their […]