
Seeking the Arts – Mar. 1, 2022

“Make your soul a seeker of the arts and your environment a holy site that rejects the tawdry, the artificial, and the vulgar. If the question is whether it is possible to have a real spiritual life without a sense of beauty, the answer of an ancient and anonymous poet is a simple one: “When […]

Callings – Kayla’s House, Vita Poetica, Bye Kent!, Pay it Forward, Earthen Hands

Callings – Fall 2021 Fall’s issue of Callings starts off with a piece by Bill Mefford about the renaming of Andrew’s House after its beloved longtime resident and CoS administrator Kayla McClurg, and Marjory solicits out-of-print books for the CoS library that will be housed there. Julie Wan describes her Arts and Faith Collective, Vita Poetica, and Dayspring community […]