Do Not Lose Heart – Oct. 15, 2022

October is the traditional time in the Church of the Saviour for annual membership recommitment. It is an unusual church practice, perhaps unique, joining and re-joining the same faith community year after year. Or not. When I first made this commitment, a long-time member told me it gets harder every year, just the opposite of what I […]

Harmony of the Whole

Until this past Sunday we had not worshipped in the woods for two years. We had become accustomed to our hybrid church in-person and on Zoom. And yet, even though that technology would not be possible in the woods at Dayspring, the Spirit moved us to go. I knew my heart had withered in some way […]

One Essential Unity

The Gospel today is a hallmark scripture for the Trinity, the theological Essential Unity in the Christian tradition.* Theology, cosmology, psychology, biology, so many “ologies” I can think of, increasingly speak to me of an essential unity. That unity may show up with different names, like energy, God, harmony, wholeness. As my life unfolds in this fragmented, […]


Loss has made me a misfit. Lost in my own life. My older brother died recently. Though I had in many ways been hoping for his release from the sufferings of disease, even expected it for about a week, it came as a shock. And with the shock, came a world of paralyzing sorrow. Strong family roots, shared values […]