Listen to Yourself – May 26, 2023

“Choose a piece of work to do by listening to yourself—the still, small voice within that speaks to you in images, wishes, dreams and fantasies, your own conversations and the conversations of others. If you make a mistake and choose the wrong task, you will still learn something about yourself and can take courage and […]

Stirred to Gratitude – Apr. 27, 2023

“Again and again I am stirred by some experience of tenderness, some simple act of gratuitous kindness moving from one to another, some quiet deed of courage, wisdom, or sacrifice, or some striking movement of unstudied joy that bursts forth in the contagion of merry laughter. I know God is with me.” –Howard Thurman, Meditations of […]

What Remains – Mar. 31, 2023

“Those who have come through dark nights of their own, not just once but over and over again, often cannot find the words to say why they would not trade those nights for anything. Yes, they were nights of great loss… Yes, a great emptiness opened up where I had stored all my spiritual treasures, and […]

Nothing is Wasted – Mar. 7, 2023

Blessed are you, O God,in whom nothing is wasted.You salvage the remnant,the scrap, the shred.You bless what is leftfrom the consuming fire, the devouring flood,the shearing wind, the shifting earth.All that remainsreturns to youand is reborn from you. Blessed are you, O God,who brings life from the earthand will return it to the earthonce again. […]