Surrendering to Unity – Mar. 17, 2023

An Aramaic interpretation of John 4:24:      “Those who surrender to Unity,     bowing to it in utmost adoration,     must do so in breath and harmony,     like the sense of right direction      that drives the universal winds.” –Neil Douglas-Klotz, The Hidden Gospel: Decoding the Spiritual message of the Aramaic Jesus, p. 43

The Angel’s Call

I’m writing on the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. A wise time to go within… to listen for the crisp call of angels. As the light fades to gray, a bright red bird perches in a dark, barren tree. Now, all things are more easily seen. The air leans hard against us, heavy and […]

Soften My Edges – Jan. 6, 2022

O Lord, Giver of This Journey: Soften my edges as your grace forms me. Uncoil me by your incomprehensible love and grace. How else shall I reply to such blessings than to kneel with adoration as you gift me with the inheritance of your healing Word? Amen. -Peter Traben Haas, Centering Prayers, p. 12