
The Flow of Blessing – Oct. 8, 2021

“The truth that life and death make sense is not accessible to the senses. Nor is it something our intellect can prove. But our heart rises to this conviction when we give ourselves willingly to blessing received and blessing passed on. When all is said and done, only this makes sense: to be a channel […]

You Must Change – Oct. 7, 2021

“Only when we become ever so quiet inside do we sense in the smallest speck of reality a great Presence, both strange and familiar, waiting to meet us. Strange this Presence seems to us, because it differs from all else we know; at the same time, we seem to know it more intimately than anything […]

A Listening Heart – Oct. 6, 2021

The three steps of a listening heart: Childlike openness; Youthful courage; Mature communion. –David Steindl-Rast, A Listening Heart, p. 37

One With All Others – Oct. 5, 2021

“The visible and the invisible meet at the crossroads which we call our heart. When we say “heart,” we mean that center of our personal being where we are one with ourselves, yet, not with ourselves only. In our heart of hearts, we are one also with all others – all humans, animals, plants, the […]