
Way out on the margins, on the ragged edge of town far from the temple, the ragged voice of the wild baptizing prophet rang out. (People were beginning to think that John was the One). “I’m just setting the stage”, he says. “The One who is coming will change us all from the inside out.”*

How surprised John must’ve been to see the young rabbi wading out into the water…just like everybody else. Not a holy bystander or judge. Simply a man who wanted to join in.

It was not with words or theologies, creeds or laws, that Jesus began his public ministry. It began with a quiet descent into the water. Immersing himself into the depths of what it means to live this complicated life. Wading out into the muddy river, identifying with all of us in the messiness of our lives…with the least, the last, and the lost. The movement of his human body spoke: “I am in this with you”.

Through this act of solidarity…of Oneness…Jesus invites us to follow. The pathways to heal our broken world, and the depths of our true selves, are found when we claim each other. And in so doing, we are changed from the inside out.

By kneeling in that river, surrounded by those who had done the same, Jesus chooses them. And it was right then and there that the Spirit, like a dove descending, spoke: “This is my beloved child, with whom I am well pleased.” It is my belief, that when we do likewise, we will hear the same.

*Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

-Jim Marsh, Jr., Bread of Life Church

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