Mission Groups are a place for people to discover and use their God-given gifts in service to Jesus Christ and others. The discerning and exercising of these gifts is meant to be a normative part of the Christian life and essential for the functioning of the Church (i.e. Matthew 5, Romans 12, I Corinthians 12 and 13). We believe that every Christian is gifted by God and called to lead at the point of her/his gifts.

Therefore, the mission group functions by shared leadership. Each mission group member is enabled to discover and exercise their gift in a role that is necessary for the healthy functioning of the group. The shared leadership role exercised by each member is not a full expression of that person’s giftedness. It is an expression of a gift needed by the group. The following list describes the basic leadership roles needed in a mission group:

There are other gifts and shared leadership roles (i.e. Fund Raiser, Intercessor, Community Builder, etc.) that may be important for the group to include as the group discerns and follows its mission. Not all the roles need to be filled by separate people before the group can function. If there are fewer people than leadership roles, one person may exercise more than one gift. However, it is essential that each member discern and exercise a shared leadership role. At the beginning of a mission group’s life and at points along the way, members need to discuss the various roles to see which role is right for each person. This usually involves “trying on” a role for a period of time to see if it is consistent with a person’s gifts and calling. It is not recommended to simply rotate roles, because a person should never be forced to exercise a particular role. Rather, it is best to take the time, energy, prayer, and discussion to discern how the group members will “try on” and exercise the various shared leadership roles.

-Jim Melson, Cornelius Corps, New Community Church