
The quotes this week come from Living in the Presence: Spiritual Exercises to Open Our Lives to the Awareness of God. Author Tilden Edwards, along with the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation he founded, have greatly nurtured me in contemplative living and leadership – opening into life in the Spirit, trusting in God’s abiding presence, and offering myself in the service of God’s healing and reconciliation, mercy and joy.

–Trish Stefanik, Overlook Retreat House

“The lifetime process of spiritual conversion involves God’s slow purging of our sense of separatedness and illumining of our true nature on the way to union with God and with God’s loving will in the world.”

–Tilden Edwards, Living in the Presence

One Response

  1. It has been my privilege for many years to be spiritually fed by your blessed staff and writers.. And to be ever more open and reminded to the wisdom and holiness that you share. Thank you for being such a generous source of knowledge, counsel and Christ like goodness.. May you be especially blessed for your glorious work.