
“Jesus said, Rejoice and be exceedingly glad; for great is your reward in heaven; for so persecuted they the prophets before you.

Then, feel at the peak of everything and be extremely moved, for your natural abundance, already in the cosmos, has multiplied all around you (from the blows on your heart);
Do everything extreme, including letting your ego disappear, for this is the secret of claiming your expanded home in the universe.
Drink a drop—or drench yourself. No matter where you turn you will find the Name inscribed in light; it’s all the One Creation.
For so they shamed those before you:
All who are enraptured, saying inspired things—who produce on the outside what the Spirit has given them within.
It is the sign of the prophecy to be persecuted by circumstances.
It is the sign of the prophets and prophetesses to feel the disunity around them intensely.”

-Neil Douglas-Klotz, Prayers of the Cosmos: Meditations on the Aramaic Words of Jesus