Seekers Church – School for Christian Growth, Fall 2019 Second Term
Tuesday evenings 6:45 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
October 29–December 3, 2019
Note new times for dinner and classes!
Dinner begins at 6:45. Classes begin at 7:30 and end at 9:00.
Rethinking Call in a Changing World
Led by Marjory Bankson
- Does God have a “good work” for me now? At this time in my life?
- Is there a new way for us to listen and respond together?
Explore the concept of call as a spiritual journey, unfolding throughout our lives. This six-week course will include individual and group exercises, along with discernment of gifts and ministries in the ordinary structures of our lives — at home, at work, and in the hurting world around us. Come ready to listen, learn, participate, and pray together. Marjory’s books Call to the Soul and Creative Aging will be the primary texts for this class.
The Good News of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel
Led by David Lloyd
Luke believed that his account of Jesus’ life, passion, and resurrection was good news to Jews and Gentiles in the Roman Empire. Is Luke’s account good news to us? In our study we’ll explore a number of his parables that may help us answer such questions as: What is the kingdom of God like? What does the commitment of one’s life to bringing about God’s kingdom involve? and Why should we make that commitment? Each week’s homework will include reading excerpts from the Gospel, a few questions for reflection and journaling, and a question or two for a written response and discussion in class.
Potter’s House Storytelling
“The purpose of this effort is to tell the Potter’s House story from its beginning in 1960 to the present. The PH from its beginning has been a place to explore and experience the spiritual in a secular place (e.g. coffee house, bookstore, etc). The PH was/is a place where much of the Church of the Saviour lived/lives its Outward Spiritual journey in community. Please pass on this invitation and let me know of other people who you think should be part of this day. We will take a short break for a Mary Easley Lunch.

Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019
Potter’s House Community Room
We of the PH History Project are planning to tell the history in a traditional story telling circle that considers the following:
- Origin — Where did the PH come from?
- Identity – Who are the people of the PH?
- Destiny – Where has the PH been and where is it going?
As you some of you may recall during the time of the Potter’s House most recent renovations, I started to write a history of the Potter’s House for the Eighth Day Church who had recently become the new owner of the building. I found that it was a very difficult task since many different people where part of part of this 60 plus year history. I heard many remarkable stories from many people; however not all the stories were remembered in the same way. This storytelling is an effort is to bring friends of the PH to share their experiences and reflections from a first-person perspective. It is not an effort to create the definitive history of the PH.”
–Michael Brown, 8th Day Faith Community

“We’ll be having a two hour study group and discussion of the New York Times’ 1619 Project, named after the year when the first enslaved Africans arrived in Virginia. Through journalism, poetry, and photography, the 1619 project explores how slavery and racism have shaped our nation and continue to influence our lives today.
1619 Project Study Group
Tuesday, November 12, 2019,6-8 PM,
The Potter’s House, 1658 Columbia Road, NW
RSVP online here: 1619dc.eventbrite.com
What can we gain by studying our shared history – and what can we do to fight racial injustice in our own communities?”
–Kip Dooley, 8th Day Faith Community