“The Platform of Hope is a pilot initiative working with economically vulnerable families of color in Ward 1 to self-direct their goals, connect to services and build strong social networks. We’re proud to be partnering with 60 families and anchor institutions Jubilee Housing, Jubilee JumpStart, Mary’s Center and Sitar Arts Center to collaboratively build a more equitable community in Adams Morgan… and beyond!
The 2021 Online Community Auction supports our work with families most disproportionately impacted by the pandemic– on top of existing disparities in health, education, socio-economically and more. Our auction, like our model, highlights the innate talents of members of our community and seeks to connect us together in response to a year+ of social distancing. Join our community, be uplifted and support the resiliency of DC families!
By registering, you join our POH network and by bidding, you support our initiative and our families! Please consider making a donation at registration to assist us in reaching our fundraiser goal of $15,000.”
There are lots of fun items to bid on, like dance classes, great music and theater shows, a homemade purse, piñata, and other art, gift certificates to local businesses, a car wash, dinners, and lots more!
Auction Highlights
Dinners at Lapis, Tail Up Goat, Sommer Street Pizza, Nina May and more!
Escapes to Barrel Oak Winery, Bryce Golf Resort + Muse Vineyards
Treats from Zeke’s Coffee, The Chocolate House, Big Bear Cafe, Potter’s House and more!
Online courses from Washington Improv Theatre, Fluent City, etc.
LIVE arts experiences at Woolly Mammoth Theatre, Studio Theatre, Dance Place and more!
Auction website with items, bid June 24-28: https://pohdc2021.ggo.bid/bidding/package-browse
Register for the auction: https://platformofhopedc.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/PlatformofHopeOnlineCommunityAuction2021/RegisterNow/tabid/1231500/Default.aspx