
No Small Love

The teacher gathered together those whose hearts he had newly woven, and sent them out into the world. It was a rough-hewn start.* Dividing every household? Forgetting myself? Of all the teachings of Jesus, this is the one that loses me. Until now. A deeper look reveals something for this present time. A great yearning for change is among us. Globally. Locally. Internally. An entwining braid of awakening. A pentecostal wind speaking in the language of every human heart.

The Great Spirit sweet talks us, “Turn loose, and free yourself for me. I’ll take nothing less.” With the same image and likeness, the divine radiance reflected, we become both fertile soil and seed. And as we grow, why settle for staring at only one family of blooms when you could widen your gaze to see that you are a member of them all? A breathtaking tapestry of colors and shapes… all growing from the same vine, the same vineyard. We stir from sleep to see the great garden growing right along with us, nurtured by the same sun. With no disrespect to the beauty on either side of you, they are but a small part of this grand bouquet.

Look up, and you shall inherit everyone, seeing all at once our seed, our flower, our harvest. One can’t describe the world by looking through a keyhole. Rise up from that small tribal love and see your family grow! Only then does every bloom reflect your own within the full light of God. Do not bow to the instincts of me and mine. Move gracefully to our.

*Matthew 10:34-39 (The Message)

–Jim Marsh, Jr., Bread of Life Church

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