“September is National Recovery Month. We’re all in recovery from something.
Join our special $25k challenge and help support transformative, long-term, healing recovery community.
Thanks to a generous supporter, all gifts in September – National Recovery Month – will be matched dollar-for-dollar (up to $25K).
In this long-haul COVID pandemic, long-haul authentic healing community is essential. Thank you for being part of Recovery Cafe DC’s commitment to make recovery accessible and sustainable.”
Donate: https://recoverycafedc.org/donate/
“How to help in Sept: National Recovery Month
- Give the gift of recovery. Use DONATE BUTTON below.
- Join our monthly Radical Hospitality Giving Circle.
- Interested in learning more about Recovery Cafe DC or the Capital Campaign? Let us know, we’re glad to connect!
Use DONATE button & choose recurring gift. Your gift at any level makes a difference, whether $5 a month, $100 or more.

Together building health, racial & environmental equity in Southeast DC.
To learn more about Recovery Cafe DC email Jacqueline Conerly (Jacqueline@recoverycafedc.org) or Kim Montroll (Kim@recoverycafedc.org)”
Assistants Needed at L’Arche Greater Washington-DC

L’Arche is hiring! They are in need of Assistants and Awake Overnight Assistants. See the description of the job of an assistant below, and apply if you are led! It is a beautiful community to be a part of.
“Role Description
L’Arche Greater Washington, D.C. centers around four communal homes and 14 adults who have intellectual disabilities who are members of an intentional, inter-denominational Christian community (the “core people” of the community).
Role Summary: Assistants provide skilled direct care supports to core people, ensure their safety and well-being, and support their integrated participation in all aspects of daily life. Assistants will learn how to serve and how to relate to others in this unique and vibrant environment.”
Learn more about the job: https://larche-gwdc.org/get-involved/careers/assistant/
Apply: https://larche-gwdc.org/get-involved/careers/assistant/application/
“”I am so grateful to each one of our assistants for what they are doing, daily.” Luke Smith, Community Leader and Executive Director shares about the amazing work of assistants and offers his thanks during this Direct Support Professionals Recognition week!”
Hear more inspiring stories from core members and L’Arche staff on the L’Arche GW-DC Facebook page.