Looking for Leadership

When we got a computer link for making paper palm fronds to wave in front of our computer screens, it seemed rather silly to me, but I did it as a spiritual practice in order to be part of my distanced community. Then, as I hunted for scissors, I realized how hungry I am for caring conscious leadership, and how willing I am to follow directions right now – and a little breeze blew in as a dusty window opened onto Palm Sunday.*

It’s always been hard for me to shift from Lent to the ecstatic act of throwing palms on the road in front of Jesus and shouting “Hosanna” to celebrate his entry into Jerusalem at the beginning of Holy Week. The Lenten season this year has been exceptionally interior, separated as we are by the corona virus, so it has seemed even harder to make that transition. But searching for scissors helped me notice that I too want leaders who care for the common good to step forward, if not to save us from Roman rule, then to keep doctors and nurses safer, protect grocery store clerks and home delivery folks, keep garbage trucks coming, and protect renters from eviction while we all practice hopeful waiting.

I am looking for leaders who are willing to share common purpose with us. When they speak or stand fast in the face of criticism and threats, I feel grateful. When I’m in that spot, I offer myself as honestly as I can. Yesterday, I was moved to tears by the sound of people clapping and banging pots in thanks for the healthcare workers as they left an overcrowded hospital, heading for home after their 12-hour shift. And suddenly, Palm Sunday finds me right there in the crowd, hoping for deliverance, just as they were.

*Matthew 11:1-11

–Marjory Zoet Bankson, InwardOutward Editor

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