
This week, all quotations come from the collection of Gordon Cosby’s sermons titled By Grace Transformed (New York: Crossroad Publishing Co., 1999).

“Some of us have been greatly loved through the years, and we still do not know how to love in this way… There are some people who have had no security at all—some who have not been loved. Yet they are able to give love in a way that they have never humanly received it, because of this strange miracle that takes place within the human soul—the miracle of a living relationship with Jesus Christ.”

–Gordon Cosby, “Calling Forth Gifts,” in By Grace Transformed

One Response

  1. I always love seeing Gordon’s quotes here, and I’m especially glad that you’ll be using using material from this book of sermons this week. I’ve been re-reading “By Grace Transformed,” and it’s on my bedside table right now!