
Just Believe

Is the world a friendly place or not? Einstein said each person’s answer is the key to the way one lives. I have considered this question many times over the years. Mostly my answer has been yes. Even in the face of the horrors of injustice, violence, and death, my yes has strengthened the resolve to act for change. Occasionally, as in this recent time of the worldwide raging coronavirus, it has been no. Now, for the first time, my answer is I don’t know.

Yes and no are easier answers for me to live with. Practical decisions are simple. Wear a mask or don’t wear a mask. Meet in person or don’t. Plan a trip to the west coast or don’t. But now, as herd immunity is approached or reached, confusion is everywhere. I am surprised at how intense and irritating is the confusion in my own self.

Perhaps the spiritual practices of patient waiting, trusting the mystery of Goodness and Love, somehow add to my confusion. Perhaps I assumed there would be a clear ending to the pandemic. And that fear would evaporate. Expectations are often the problem. As it happens, the ending is confusing and unclear. Also, new fearful possibilities are real: new variants, immunity limitations, people resisting, even lying, about vaccinations.

The healing stories of Jesus* offer wisdom and practical help. His wisdom and help, mercifully, is very clear. Don’t give up. Don’t assume any timetable. Rely on faith. It’s never too late. Expect amazement. Feed your awakened child.

The awakened child. Now that is especially alluring. First of all, Jairus and others believed his 12-year-old daughter was dying, then dead by the time Jesus arrived at her bedside. They must have had good reasons for this belief. They laughed at Jesus when he admonished them and said she was only sleeping. Yet Jesus saw differently and simply told her to get up. Then, “give her something to eat.” So I wonder, what have I thought was dead but may really be only asleep in me? What erroneous perception has restricted or obscured my faith? What possibilities will open if I feed the awakened child in me?

On the way to Jairus’ house, there was another healing. A woman suffering from years of bleeding simply touched Jesus’ clothing. The bleeding stopped. She knew it and started to slip away in the crowd. But Jesus turned, asking “Who touched me?” Trembling and afraid, she needed something else. He offered her peace and assurance, declaring “your faith has made you whole.”

These lessons of awakening, feeding and faith stir me deeply in this time of confusion and transition. Perhaps most commanding is Jesus’ encouraging instruction: “don’t be afraid, just believe.”

*Mark 5:21-43

–Ann Dean, Dayspring Church

Reflection Questions

  1. What has been sleeping in you that needs nourishment now?
  2. Are you aware of any false expectations that may be obscuring your faith?
  3. What spiritual practice might help strengthen your belief?
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