
Gracious God, the eyes of our hearts see the planned M83 Highway through Dayspring as relocated; the integrity of the Dayspring Silent Retreat Center protected; this, or something better, manifested for our community, in totally satisfying and harmonious ways, to the highest good of all concerned. And so it is. May the grace of this seeing help to bring your vision to reality. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen


Learn more about what Dayspring members and other community activists are doing to protect the sacred land and the local watershed on the TAME Coalition website or follow them on Twitter @TAMECoalition.

The Midcounty Highway Extended project (M83) threatens the pristine forests of Dayspring and the harmony found there, and is not a necessary project. Many transportation alternatives exist and could be improved, so important in a time when climate change demands sustainable solutions, not more fossil fuel combustion infrastructure.

Please consider sending an email or letter to the Montgomery County Council voicing your opposition to M83.

The vision of the TAME Coalition is:
