
In the Beginning

In the quiet of this morning I recall the prayer and gestures of the priest as he stands ready at the lectern before reading a gospel narrative each week. I make the sign of the cross on my forehead and say, dear God, may your Word be upon my mind; and then the gesture again on my mouth, may your Word be upon my lips; and then across my chest, may your Word be upon my heart. I add too the sign of the cross on my belly and am aware of my feet on the earth. I pray may your Word be upon all my body and soul, grounding me in your Spirit, guiding my every step. I begin my day.

Today we begin a new year and are invited at the start of John’s gospel to reach back in our collective memory to the ancient beginning where the Word was with God, and the Word was God, through which life came into being, and the life was the light of all people.*

Might we enter 2022 as beginning a relationship with God? At this time of making resolutions, mine this year are simple: I resolve to open to God’s possibility in me. I resolve to open to God’s possibility in my neighbor. I resolve to open to God’s possibility in the world.

 In the darkness and stillness of winter perhaps we might sit together around a primordial fire and tell each other stories of the Word made flesh. Perhaps we might explore ways together to kindle the light where it is dim and spark it anew where it is forgotten. Let’s testify with our lives how the Christ-light shines “grace upon grace” (Jn 1:16).

*John 1:(1-9), 10-18

-Trish Stefanik, Overlook Retreat House at Dayspring

For reflection:

  • How does the life of Jesus show you how to live?
  • How can your particular calling give life to others?
  • Where might you open more fully in the new year?

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