
In God’s Care

One of the earliest most indelible images of Jesus from my childhood is the Good Shepherd, the subject of this Sunday’s gospel.* If there is a psalm we know by heart, I can bet it is Psalm 23. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures….” This person of God loves me, loves all of us, protects and cares for us, gathers us up, and sets us on his shoulders with endearment.

I hadn’t pondered Jesus as the Good Shepherd for a while now. That image, at some point, became for me too sentimental a portrayal of the One who was rejected and crucified two thousand years ago and still suffers in the cries of so many people and the Earth.

Five times in our reading we are told that the good shepherd freely lays down his life for his sheep. This shepherd intimately cares about each sheep, especially the lost one, and wants the flock to flourish as a whole. His love even extends to the sheep in other flocks. In the presence of Christ all are welcomed, tended, heard, accepted, watched over, and loved beyond death. It is a beautiful love upon which to model our relationships.

Jesus here reminds me of God’s absolute faithfulness. He invites me to my deepest place of belonging. He guides me with tenderness and helps me trust in an abiding eternal hope. He encourages me to find beautiful pasture in which to rest and play and replenish. Especially now, I need that Good Shepherd.

I pray that we each have a friend in our life who inspires us to listen and respond to the voice of God in our souls and in the heart of the world.

*John 10:11-18

For reflection:

  • What image or word of God is guiding you right now?
  • What is your experience of being truly known, cared for, and loved?
  • How might you help others thrive?

-Trish Stefanik, Overlook Retreat House at Dayspring

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