Good Friday – April 2, 2021

An online retreat with a rhythm of reflection on Good Friday, silence and sharing.
Leader: Carole Crumley is an Episcopal priest and former Senior Program Director for Shalem Institute. She is an internationally known contemplative retreat leader and pilgrimage guide to sacred and secular sites throughout Europe, the Middle East and the U.S.
- Date: Friday, April 2, 2021
- 10am – 3:30pm Eastern Time (please plan to stay for the whole retreat)
- Location: Zoom (a link will be sent when we confirm your registration)
- Registration: email Nat Reid at to register. Space is limited so register soon.
- No fee, donations welcome.
Zoom retreats are online silent retreats. They usually consist of an opening session with a reflection by the leader, an optional midday session, and a closing session. A Zoom link will be sent to you when you register for the retreat.
Easter Sunrise Service – April 4, 2021
The service will begin at 6:15am Easter Sunday. Zoom information is listed below.
Zoom link for Easter Sunrise Service:
Passcode: 751940
Dayspring Church, Earthen Hands, and Rockville United Church helped shape the gathering.
Practicing Resurrection: Online Retreat Day – April 17, 2021

Each year, Easter invites us to celebrate the return of the Risen Christ in new ways. In this time of pandemic and political chaos, celebrating Easter calls us to look deeper, around us and within ourselves, to glimpse the depth of God’s eternal love emerging in unexpected ways.
Ilia Delio, a Franciscan Sister and scientist, reminds us that if we accept the wisdom that God is love (1 John 4:8,) then love is the heart of the universe, and resurrection is the emergence of love in new and unexpected ways.
To see the universe through the eyes of love helps us make sense of evolution, not as a process of cold, blind chance or randomness, but one of passion, yearning, novelty, union, gift, suffering, death, and new life. Love is the faithful heart of the cosmos, the constancy of all life; yet love seeks to become more being-in-love and hence is the energy of change… (Sister Ilia Delio in Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation, March 19, 2021)
If God is Love, then Easter can be a recurring reminder to practice resurrection of love in new and unexpected ways. This day of silence will give us an opportunity to pause and reflect on how we choose to be open to the Good News that Christ is risen and waiting in us, around us, and among us, to join hands as we reach out in love.
On this retreat, we will let our everyday surroundings, and images of Dayspring, give us a glimpse of practicing resurrection by opening ourselves as channels of God/Love into Creation.
Leader: Peter Bankson, experienced retreat leader and Steward of Seekers Church.
- Date: Saturday, April 17, 2021
- Time: 10am-4pm Eastern Daylight Saving Time
- Location: Zoom (a link will be send prior to the retreat)
- Fee: $50 suggested, pay what you are able
- Registration: email Nat Reid at to register and get payment information. Space is limited so register soon.
Zoom retreats are online silent retreats. They usually consist of an opening session with a reflection by the leader, an optional midday session, and a closing session. A Zoom link will be sent to you when you register for the retreat.
Overlook Retreat House – Open for overnight booking
The Overlook Retreat House on the Dayspring property has reopened and is booking stays.
“Much gratitude is expressed for a place of quiet peace and beauty among Dayspring’s trees and meadows, flowing and still water. There’s much appreciation for the spaciousness and solitude to recollect and find rest and renewal. Overlook’s library of spiritual reading, poetry, and art materials inspires creative reflection. The coziness of the interior, the wonderful variety of birds at the feeder outside the window, and the trails meandering through the fields and forest and along the creek invite visitors on the heart’s journey home.” -Trish Stefanik, Co-host
If you want to want to come for retreat, visit and contact
Dayspring Overall
Although things are beginning to open up, 2020 was difficult for Dayspring’s many ministries including Dayspring Church, the Silent Retreat Center, Overlook Retreat House, Wellspring Conference Center, Earth Ministry, Earthen Hands (pottery), Interfaith Neighbors, general land stewardship, and more. Please see the links below for how to donate to support these ministries so they can continue for years to come.
Dayspring Church:
Dayspring Silent Retreat Center:
Earth Ministry:
Overlook Retreat House:
Wellspring Conference Center: