
“God who chose sides,
Forgive us for idolizing the lukewarmth of the middle. We wear it as its own brand of superiority, believing it makes us virtuous and rational and above the fight. But Lord, help us to remember there are those things worth fighting for – that you are a God who does not only hold peace but division. That you entered the world and showed us what just and loving choice and protest looks like. Grant us wisdom which allows us to perceive when our desire to not choose sides is rooted more in fear than it is justice or righteousness. Let those of us who have been trained to the middle is holy ground find you as we gain the courage to walk away. And as we do so, help us to not become enslaved to any new position or stance, that our lives, bodies, and choices would ever align with what we believe to be true and good and beautiful. Move our souls in the holy integrity of you.”

–Cole Arthur Riley, Black Liturgies