The Heading Home Education Fellowship was created by the Heading Home Mission Group of Bread of Life Church, which works to build networks of support for men and women returning home from incarceration. The Fellowship identifies and supports emerging scholars returning from incarceration who have the desire, capacity, and determination to successfully pursue academic studies at the undergraduate university level. Each year, the Fellowship will provide financial and practical support that allows its recipient to excel academically while holding a healthy balance of employment, study, and personal responsibilities.
About The 2022–2023 Fellow
The inaugural 2022-23 Heading Home Educational Fellowship has been awarded to Mr. Delontae Britton. As an academic, Delontae successfully began college-level studies through Goucher College’s Prison Education Partnership (GPEP) and completed the equivalent of an associate degree during his participation in the program. In 2022, he matriculated at the University of Maryland at College Park, where he will be earning a B.A. in Sociology with a minor in Business Administration. This solid path of academic achievement is matched by Delontae’s gifts and desire to make significant contributions to the residents of the District of Columbia, where he grew up in the Adams-Morgan area. He is already a committed mentor for young adult men in the District’s Wards 7 and 8.
Support The Fellowship
The 2022–2023 Fellowship will require funding of $25,000. The Mission Group and Bread of Life Church have received donations or pledges from their own members and we are inviting our families, friends, and allies to join us in making this exciting project possible.
To donate or learn more, contact Jeanne Marcus at ambler919 @ gmail.com or 3O1.642.4440.