The services in memory of Gloria McClanen will take place Sunday, November 6, at Dayspring. The Service of Commendation will begin at 3pm at the Lake of the Saints, where the same service for husband Don took place in 2016. The reason for scheduling it before the memorial service is that November 6 is the first day of Eastern Standard Time, with clocks turned back an hour. We do not want to hold it in the dark after the memorial service. The service should run fifteen to twenty minutes.
If you wish to attend, park at the farmhouse lot or in the grass north of the lot and walk down from there. Allow fifteen to twenty minutes to get to the site of the service. If you need to go down by car instead of foot, drive down through the same path walkers will be using and park in the field near the site of the service.
The memorial service is scheduled to begin at 4pm in the Wellspring Center. Park in the lot across from the Center or, if the lot is full, in the grass alongside the road to Wellspring. Be sure to have a mask with you and put it on before entering the Center.
A reception follows the service. Please continue to wear masks unless eating or drinking. Weather permitting, any who are uncomfortable with this may take their refreshments outside. Thank you.

Sat., November 12, 2022 – 5:30pm
“Seekers Church invites you to a presentation and reception honoring Rev. Dr. Peter Storey.
Please RSVP to holmes.sallie @ gmail.com.
Seekers Church asks all attending to be fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID and recommends they wear face masks while inside.
Rev. Storey will speak on “A White South African Speaks to American Christians,” to be followed by a question-and-answer period and an informal reception.
Rev. Storey is a South African Methodist minister and theologian, former president of the Methodist Church of South Africa and bishop of Johannesburg, former president of the South African Council of Churches, and Professor at Duke University Divinity School. He was a leading voice in the struggle against apartheid, was a prison chaplain to Nelson Mandela, and was deeply engaged in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Rev. Storey has spoken widely and is the author of numerous books and articles, most recently, Protest at Midnight: Ministry to a Nation Torn Apart (available at the event, $25).”

Dayspring Silent Retreat – End of Year Schedule
November 2022
Quiet Day November 15, 2022
Self-Guided Retreat Day November 28, 2022
December 2022
Advent Waiting: Stillness at the Threshold – A Weekend Retreat December 2 – 4, 2022
Ember Day, Tuesday, December 6th December 6, 2022
Self-Guided Retreat Day December 13, 2022
Quiet Day December 20, 2022
Dayspring retreat listings: http://www.dayspringretreat.org/events