
[These selections are all from, an Advent-season devotional “written by a collective of pastors and parents, writers and activists, organizers and students, and everyone in between… for radicals and would-be radicals. We are the people who stand in defiance of the status quo.” While it’s technically the wrong season for these, I find them just as relevant today as I did in the dark of December. –Erica Lloyd]

“Faith without works is really not faith at all, and hope without action is surely delusional or dead. Very rarely do things just “turn out okay.” If you’ve ever watched a person needlessly die, you know how ridiculous it is to believe the moral arc of the universe is affected by some passive gravitational pull… The hope that this moment calls for is not anemic or trite or vapid. It is not optimism. It is not only realizing that things don’t need to be this way, but a refusal to let them stay this way. It is an acid, rooted in love, that eats prison bars.”

–Ben Swihart, “Radvent – Day 8