
Exploring the Dark to Become Light

It takes discipline for me to be visible in community. Valuing privacy, I’ve always liked to hang out in the back — in the shadows, perhaps — observing, taking it all in, revealing little of my interior self.

A few years ago, I began a meditation practice where I learn to be present to myself, as a daily invitation to “shine the light” inside and embrace all of who I am. This practice has borne surprising fruit. As I am more compassionately present to myself, I have more capacity to be visibly present in community. Then, by joining my light with that of others, our communal brightness can illuminate a path drawing every weary wanderer home.*

In The Hidden Gospel, Neil Douglas-Klotz writes about the complementary nature of light and dark, where light “awakens and makes sense of existence” and dark is “everything that is dense and unknowable from the human standpoint.” He continues, “if we breathe into what seems to be darkness inside, we begin to distinguish – and bring light to – different sensations and different voices in ourselves… When we gain greater knowledge of this ‘inner wilderness,’ a ray of light may enter that makes sense of the whole territory – not just our conscious thoughts, but also what lay hitherto unconscious.” We begin to know and love ourselves as God knows and loves us. We become even more aware of the indwelling spirit.

This reflection gives deeper meaning about inward journey practices to me. As I become more known to (and accepting of) myself, I have more to offer to others. Embracing my true nature is inextricably intertwined with embracing others in service of the Divine. 

Still, I am glad that this is a “practice” and that I don’t have to get it right every day. I simply need to try.

*Matthew 5:13-20

Questions for Reflection:

  • What helps you be more compassionately present to yourself?
  • How does your inward journey (contemplative practices) bring more of your own shadow into the light?
  • What do you notice about how your inward journey practices influence your relationship with God and others?

–Kate Lasso, 8th Day Faith Community

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