Saturday, December 21 – 5pm at the Farmhouse
“On the evening of the Winter solstice, at a time when there is so much heart-breaking news about our Sacred Earth Community, we come together to remember and give thanks: for the gifts of the darkness, for the beauty and deep rest of the winter season, and the promise of the coming light.
It matters — perhaps more than we will ever know — that we do this. That we remember to give thanks and bless the Earth in this way
So we invite you to join us. We begin at 5pm at the Dayspring Farmhouse and walk in silence and simple presence to a place near the stone labyrinth overlooking the fields. We light the fire, and then gather around and listen to a poem or two. Then we take time on our own to wander and greet the other-than-human ones around us, and finally regather and read together the Thanksgiving Address as given us by the Haudenosaunee (also known as the Iroquois or Six Nations). The ceremony will finish by 5:45.
All are welcome, including children. Please come dressed for the weather and bring a flashlight. Questions or to let us know you’ll be joining us? Please contact Jim Hall or Cheryl Hellner at jimhallmd@yahoo.com.”

Sunday, January 5, 2020
3 – 4:30pm EST
Dayspring Silent Retreat Center
11301 Neelsville Church Rd
Germtantown, MD 20876
The Practice of Silence
“This year, we continue our journey into deepening oneness with the Divine Mystery and the Earth by focusing on the practices that lead us into and through the spiritual transformation necessary for our times. This month, we return to the practice of silence to hone our awareness of the sacred within and around us. By quieting our inner voice, letting go of intellectual chatter and habitual thoughts, we become rooted and embodied in wise and pervasive Presence that serves to guide us, comfort us, strengthen us, encourage us and inspire us throughout our individual and communal lives.
Gathering of Church of the Wild
Come early to join in the drumming around the fire starting at 2:40 pm.”
Go to Church of the Wild’s Eventbrite page for more information and to register.