

Growing up, I had never imagined myself as a mom raising a family, much less a family comprised of three boys and me.  After graduating from college in Ohio, I moved to Washington because I wanted to change the world.  Instead, what I’ve really changed is myself.  In large part, I can thank my boys for that.

The advice I give most often to new parents is to be the parents your children need you to be.  Using CofS language, be willing to be stretched in uncomfortable ways by your children.  For example, as a painfully shy young adult, I can remember pushing myself to ensure a robust social life for them.  Because of my commitment to my boys, I was willing to continually challenge the boundaries of who I thought I was and how I showed up in the world.  It wasn’t always easy, and the path wasn’t necessarily clear. I let my commitment to my boys guide me through the especially hard patches, to dig deep to find courage when I needed it most.

This week’s lectionary reading* reminds me of this precious gift I received from my sons.  Through them I learned about being in a relationship where I am willing to allow my sense of self be shaped by my love for others.  Jesus’ invitation is the same — to do our best to be the disciples that God needs us to be, to set aside personal ambitions, preferences and desires for the sake of living in loving relationship with the Divine, self and others.  It’s an invitation to self-discovery at the most profound level.  It’s an invitation to deepen my commitment to following Christ, no matter the cost. 

--Kate Lasso, 8th Day Faith Community
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