How do your faith and actions intersect with what is going on around you and the world?
I see such an enormity of corruption, exploitation, greed, lies, war, and disregard for life, and I am profoundly sad – and angry. A lot of people today are angry – those misusing power and those being abused by power, those simply unhappy with life and those not knowing what to do with pain, suffering, grief, and uncertainty.
In this Sunday’s gospel Jesus too is angry – his Father’s house is being made into a marketplace.* What is happening there is less about an invitation to experience and be transformed by God’s love and more a business operation where God is commodified and measured out at a price according to one’s station in life.
--Trish Stefanik, Overlook Retreat House at Dayspring
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As we continue on our Lenten journey to the cross and resurrection, I offer the following questions for quiet, deep listening reflection:
· What is the business-as-usual in your life that needs a little rattling?
· What do you need to surrender to God for healing?
· What is your response to socio-economic-political systems that are unjust?