Jubilee JumpStart
If you can imagine the warm, welcoming, light-filled place and the beautiful and brilliant children and teachers who spend their days at Jubilee JumpStart, you know that I am blessed to be living a version of Frederick Buechner’s well-known quote: “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the […]
Art As Call
We all come into the world with unique potentials. When one of these potentials seems to stand out, claim our attention and engage our emotions, we may be looking at a “call,” telling us that we can use that ripened potential in a positive way. We can find the vocation that is related to our deepest self, […]
Exciting Changes at The Potter’s House
Many of our readers have visited The Potter’s House, founded in 1960 as one of the first church-sponsored coffeehouses in the country. The Potter’s House is a non-profit that functions under the auspices of the 8th Day Church, one of the CoS sister communities. Although change is a constant factor, the Potter’s House still serves […]
Solidarity Concert for Nicaragua – August 24, 2018
The Eyes to See (Is2c) mission group at Seekers Church is sponsoring this concert because one of our members, Oswaldo Montoya, is part of the peaceful protest movement in Nicaragua. With “eyes to see” and hearts open to the place where Jesus would be standing, we offer this concert in joint sponsorship with others who […]