Homeless Outreach Training
Tony Johnson, a dedicated servant of and friend to the homeless, will be conducting a training on thoughtful and emotive approaches to homeless outreach, and how we can best participate in the empowerment of people experiencing homelessness. The training will be Saturday, June 29, 11am-2pm, in the Adams Morgan Community Room in the basement of […]
ArtSpace, I/O Writers, Emmy Lu on L’Arche, Mo Higgs
Callings — Summer 2019 This issue features New Community Church’s ArtSpace and the many creative activities there, short descriptions of the Inward/Outward contributors, Emmy Lu Daly’s reflection on the L’Arche ministry in D.C., and a memorial post for Mo Higgs from his friend Crisely Melecio-Zambrano. To read these stories click on the first page image […]
Moral Witness Wednesday – June 12
The image above and content below was taken from the Repairers of the Breach website. Join Us: Moral Witness Wednesday A Faith Leaders Call To Action There comes a time when enough is enough, and religious leaders must come out conspicuously and prophetically. Calling all Faith Leaders to a Moral Witness Wednesday in Washington D.C. […]
Common Threads Art Show
Local storytellers and visual artists are participating in New Community ArtSpace’s third annual Common Threads exhibition. This year’s theme focuses on rugs. The rug symbolizes the roots of our values and how they begin to develop. “Rug like” works are on display made of various media along with stories that come from memory and/or imagination. […]