Believe. It’s a powerful word, commonly used. It’s on bumper stickers, coffee mugs and signs over doorways. I like seeing the sign over a doorway because belief is a doorway. In this week’s gospel, Jesus says it is the doorway to heaven.* He points to the complexity by beginning with the prerequisite of seeing, then […]
Riding the Bus
Riding the bus, I rejoice when a straggler squeezes on just as the doors close. A victory that all bus riders can appreciate. I’m likely to call out to the driver if I see someone trying to make it on who is not quite there. I mourn if someone comes up just as we pull […]
Holding the Hot Potato
When Jesus told parables, he often avoided straightforward hero/villain figures. The prodigal son and his brother, the shrewd manager, the unjust judge — Jesus generally gives us surprisingly complex characters to wrestle with in his short stories. But the unforgiving debtor: obviously a bad guy.* He receives the mercy of the king, and then turns […]
Life is Community
Life is community is so beautiful. Life in community is so hard. There is so much I love about living in community with others. There is so much joy in walking with others through the highs and the lows of life. Community makes us stronger, reminds us that we are not alone, and helps us […]