Not Even Judas – Apr. 5, 2023

“The gospel story is not merely one of God’s love for humankind demonstrated through the death of Jesus on the cross as atonement for sin. The gospel story is God’s story of our lives as seen through his love and grace. None of us can write ourselves out of God’s story—not even Judas.” –Ray Anderson, […]

Our Need For a Judas – Apr. 4, 2023

“We all need someone to draw off the demonic in us. We still need someone to blame, someone on whom we can project our own fears and phantoms. How often have we hear a parent say, “that child will be the death of me!” Or one marriage partner say of another, “I should have known […]

The Only Protection from Betrayal – Apr. 3, 2023

“Created in the divine image and likeness, we can experience and express that divine likeness only through the bond of social and community relatedness. The only protection from betrayal is not to love, never to trust. The only security against becoming a Judas is never to become a disciple.” –Ray Anderson, The Gospel According to Judas (Helmers & Howard, […]

What Remains – Mar. 31, 2023

“Those who have come through dark nights of their own, not just once but over and over again, often cannot find the words to say why they would not trade those nights for anything. Yes, they were nights of great loss… Yes, a great emptiness opened up where I had stored all my spiritual treasures, and […]