Callings – Spring 2021
This issue of Callings starts off with exciting news from Recovery Café DC, who in partnership with Anacostia Economic Development Corporation (AEDC), have acquired an 8,000 ft² space for “café-style space on the ground floor, and approximately 36 units of new affordable housing on the top floors.” Amazing! Editor Marjory provides a 2021 Lenten love reflection, Jubilee Housing’s Candace Tyler gives a year in review and Festival Center lists upcoming events. Several updates from Dayspring including fireside chats, events, online silent retreats, and new compost bins. The Spring 2021 issue wraps up with a review of Gayle Boss’ beautiful & powerful animal conservation Lenten reflection book Wild Hope.
To read these stories click on the cover image above or access the latest issue here. All issues are posted to the Callings page.