The Spring 2023 issue of Callings is full of exciting updates from the community beginning with the long anticipated and greatly welcomed reopening of The Festival Center at 1640 Columbia Road, NW after its complete renovation. Director of Development Lindsay Fertig-Johnson details all of the improvements and program intentions looking forward. Adam Greene introduces himself as the new Director/Host of Wellspring, and describes his discernment process of how to proceed with its leadership, beginning with listening to the land and the community, seeking new life and deepened relationships. Margalea Warner provides her easily digestible “27 Keys to Freedom: Living with Mental Illness”, and an update is provided from Jubilee Jobs with highlights on two job seekers, Anthony and Walter. Read all this and more in the latest issue!

Easter Sunrise Service at Wellspring/Dayspring
Sunday, April 9, 6am
11411 Neelsville Church Road
Germantown, MD 20876

To read these stories click on the cover image above or access the latest issue here.
Upcoming retreats and events are listed at the end of every issue.