On Friday and Saturday, Feb 1 and 2 the Bokamoso dance troupe will perform at George Washington University at 7:30pm.
Africans: Where Are We Going? A theatrical attempt to make sense of South African society today, twenty five years after the end of Apartheid. This play exposes existing corruption and highlights on community’s determination to create the just South Africa that Nelson Mandela envisioned.
Dorothy Betts Marvin Theatre
George Washington University
800 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052
Click here for tickets to the GW events on Feb. 1 and 2
Tickets are $10 for students and seniors, $35 for general admission.
On Thursday, January 24, from 6-8pm the Bokamoso dance troupe will perform at the South African Embassy.
Invitation for 1/24 event: http://bokamosoyouth.org/images/photos/Web-Invite.jpg
Registration for 1/24 event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-bokamoso-performance-at-the-embassy-of-south-africa-tickets-54103242254
Ten youth and two staff from Winterveld, a township outside of Pretoria, will present an evening of South African song and story to inform and inspire everyone. Roy Barber, a member of Seekers Church, went to South Africa during the Apartheid era, hoping to bring his song-writing skills to their civil rights struggle. Since then, in partnership with St. Andrews Episcopal School and GWU, a dozen students have come to the US each year to raise money for post-secondary scholarships. Today, more than 70 students from the Bokamoso Centre benefit from these performances.
For tickets and more information: