Recovery Cafe DC Founders’ Response to Systemic Racism

“As African American founders of Recovery Cafe DC, we identify with and recognize the pain and feelings of fatigue over the injustices we face every day. Recovery Cafe DC stands against all acts of violence and injustices against Black Americans like George Floyd, Justin Howell, Trayvon Martin, Breonna Taylor, Alton Sterling, Freddie Gray and countless others, including our Cafe Members. We too, carry the scars of racism that infiltrates our everyday life. It’s that cumulative experience, stretched over generations that contributes to the latest protests throughout our nation. When the voices of generations of Black Americans have gone unheard for so long, marching and protesting are the minimum needed to dismantle unjust systems. We pray that the death of George Floyd will be an inflection point for each and every one of us to not only say something but do something to be a part of the solution to uproot the systemic racism that is alive and well. This is Recovery Cafe DC’s commitment and we welcome you to join us.Stay strong and be blessed! #blacklivesmatter Donald and Jacqueline Conerly Founders, Recovery Cafe DC Thank you for bridging the gap with us. Recovery Cafe DC is a healing, transformative community based in Ward 8 in Southeast DC. |
SAVE THE DATE Bridging the Gap Virtual Fundraising Breakfast Friday, October 23, 2020 8:30 – 9:30 am More information coming! Would you like to be a Bridge builder & host a “table”? Contact HOW YOU CAN HELP * Share community resource ideas that we can pass along to our Members. * Join our Radical Hospitality Monthly Giving Circle through the DONATE button below, and choose recurring gift. Your gift at any level makes a difference. To learn more about Recovery Cafe DC email” Jacqueline Conerly or Kim Montroll |
Contact Information Recovery Cafe DC Mailing address: 1640 Columbia Road, NW Washington, DC 20009 301-717-3561 |