How Does Someone Join an Established Mission Group?
Once a group forms, others may hear about and show interest in the mission and joining the group. A person expresses interest to a current group member and discusses the possibility of joining. The member gives the interested person material to read about the group’s calling, mission, and commitments (including the group’s covenant) and makes the group aware of the person’s interest. If the group is in a position to receive new members, the perspective member is invited to a group meeting to share her/his interest and to dialogue with the group. In a subsequent meeting, the group members discuss issues related to the person’s joining and if agreed invite the person to join on an exploratory basis for a time determined by the group in consultation with the new member. This gives both existing group members and the new member time to discern whether or not the new member is called to be an ongoing part of the mission group. It is important to realize that people are often interested and involved with the mission without being in the mission group. The mission group holds responsibility for the mission and provides guidance and oversight for others involved in the mission.

How Does Someone Leave a Mission Group?
When someone is thinking about leaving the mission group, he/she discusses this with the group so a healthy closure, blessing, and sending forth can occur.

When Does a Mission Group End?
A group ends when there are no longer a sufficient number of people who are called by God to adequately carry out the mission, provide support and accountability for each other, and practice the spiritual disciplines in community. When this time comes, the group celebrates its life together and comes to an end in as positive manner as possible. Members are encouraged to discern their current sense of God’s call on their lives and find new ways of living into that calling.

-Jim Melson, Cornelius Corps, New Community Church