
What Kind of Good News is This?

The news is filled with war and violence, earthquakes and floods, political posturing and threats of the end of democracy. Sometimes, I cannot tell the difference between the morning news and biblical predictions of solar and lunar eclipse, falling stars, and warnings to stay awake* lest disaster overtake us. While the advertising machinery fills us with images of shiny toys, sparkling lights, jolly Santas, and happy families dressed in matching pjs sitting around a gift-laden tree while sipping hot chocolate and eating cookies, the Sunday Gospel readings are filled with doom-and-gloom, predictions of disasters, and calls to repent of our sins. And I ask myself, What kind of good news is this, anyway?


And then, I remember — in Advent, the future and the past become present as we wait for the coming of Christ into the world. Like the people 2000 years ago who were looking for a messiah, we, too, yearn for a savior, or at least for a sign that God really is with us as we live right here, right now, on this trembling, anxious, dangerous earth. In Advent, we remember why God became human to dwell among us. In Advent, we notice the ongoing brokenness of the world. In Advent, we long for the coming of Christ into our hearts and into the world. In Advent, we prepare to welcome Christ as the Holy Infant who was born in a stable and also as the One who will save us in the fullness of time. For me, that is good news, indeed.

-Deborah Sokolove, Seekers Church

For Further Reflection

  • What are you doing to prepare for the coming of Christ?
  • What are you doing to prepare for Christmas?
  • Are those two things the same or different?


For another way of thinking about the good news of Advent, read Nadia Bolz-Weber’s Advent sermon for a women’s prison at

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