
Love One Another

“In the beginning God created humans in God’s own image, and we have been trying to repay the favor ever since”- Voltaire

Today’s reading* recalls the two greatest commandments. The first, to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and the second, to love your neighbor as yourself. These commandments remind us how powerful love truly is and the importance of seeing the Imago Dei, the image of God, in our neighbors. After all, ALL are made in the image of God and in need of love and the forgiveness.

Since all are made in God’s image, what if loving God means loving our neighbor and seeing God within them?

…our neighbor who is different from us;

…our neighbor filled with sorrow;

…our neighbor, with whom we disagree;

…our neighbor with a hardened heart.

Love, I have found, is a powerful, healing, expression of faith. We come to love because we were first loved. We share love with others because we know the love and forgiveness shared with all of us through the death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. We come to love, not on our own, but with the help of the One whose image we bear.

We are called to love one another and see one another as made in the Imago Dei, the image of God. We are called to love that admits difference, amidst hatred, amidst struggle, and disagreements. We are called to love, because of the love of the Lord who first loved us.

-Lindsay Fertig-Johnson, The Festival Center

For Further Reflection

  • What changes when we see others as made in the image of God?
  • What does it mean to share love amid hatred and conflict?
  • How do we show love to someone who is different from us?
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