

It is October and my heart is suddenly enflamed with the simple joy of change. The leaves of the trees are crisper and now beginning to rustle in the breezes. Some leaves have already let go and are brightening the landscape with spots of red and gold. Firewood, apple cider, cinnamon whisks, and pumpkins appear on my to-do list. I am thinking, too, about harvest, gratitude and commitment. The rhythm of my heart is tuning into the autumnal frequency of the “beating of a thousand wings,” as Ted Loder said, “mysteriously knowing which way is warm.”

In the midst of all the struggles in our world, I am surprised by the ebullience of joy. The ever-unfolding extravagant beauty of creation, the persistent initiatives of divine Love, and the rhythms of change are everywhere evident. How important it is to share the stories which point to goodness and are apparent each day.

Jesus told a rather odd story* about a king offering an extravagant banquet for his son’s wedding. Yet the invited guests do not come. Three times the king sends messengers out to bring them to the wedding feast. Yet they are too distracted, busy, or uninterested, and none come. Finally, when the messengers are instructed to invite anyone and everyone, the banquet hall filled.

There is much to be said about the persistence and inclusivity of the king. Yet what most strikes me about this story is that the king notices one guest who is not wearing a wedding robe, not clothed for joyful celebration. That guest gets thrown out.

No one else is thrown out. It doesn’t matter how unusual or unknown the guests are, how good or bad, they are completely welcome to the feast. Only the one who is not appropriately dressed, whose appearance does not reflect the joy of the festive occasion, only that one is unwelcome. What matters most to the host is that each one present be immediately recognized as a ready participant in the joyful celebration. There must be a visible sign of belonging.

I am renewed in my commitment to be ready. To set aside or surrender any negativity and proclaim my belonging to a realm of infinite goodness and hope. I want to visibly reflect my readiness to say ‘yes’ to the Kin-dom of holy hospitality. I want to live more fully into knowing I am always present at the divine banquet. I want that knowing to be visible. It seems that the Host wants and needs me to be radiant, clothed in joy.

*Matthew 22:1-14

–Ann Dean, Dayspring Church

Reflection Questions

  1. In this stressful, turbulent time, when have you experienced sudden joy?
  2. What helps you turn away from stress and sorrow to rest in divine Love?
  3. Are you part of a community that welcomes anyone and everyone?
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