
“Now that you are almost grown I look back and ask myself. Did I tell you? Did I tell you all that I meant to tell you, all that I felt was important. Did I tell you or was it lost in the shuffle of our everyday lives. The busy full days when we taught and didn’t know it. What did we teach? Was it strong? Was it good? Will it root you in something real that will allow you to grow with a firm and sound foundation? Did I tell you…

Did I tell you to love, not with a fair-weather love, but with a love that accepts and cherishes unconditionally. Love not with a quick and passing love, but with a love that is a quiet peace within your heart.”

[For this week’s daily readings, I chose Elizabeth Knapp’s booklet entitled, Did I Tell You? (A message to a son as he is almost grown). I decided to use it after I wrote the story about my mom, Eva Dell, in Sunday’s homily. She gave it to me sometime in the late 80’s, and on almost every page, she wrote poignantly sweet, and sometimes silly, notes. Seeing her handwriting brought healing tears. This little booklet is illustrated and hand written by the author, who sketched all kinds of species of flowers and trees which adorn each page, encircling her beautiful handwriting. My mom wrote her remarks with a light green felt pen which blended so beautifully with the artist’s darker shade of green. It’s a book about growth: both for the young man, and the parent who writes it. The simple elder wisdom, both from the author and my mom, still resonates and teaches. I had not seen this book in many years. It was like finding an old friend. I hope that you can hear in these words a comforting voice.
–Jim Marsh]