
“The metaphor of the gate is not one of exclusion, not a license to think of ourselves as Jesus’ true sheep and others as outsiders. (If we use it that way, we become like the Pharisees who expelled the blind man from their community.) The purpose of the gate is not to keep out other sheep. Indeed, Jesus says in verse 16, “I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.” Rather, the purpose of the gate is to guard against all that threatens the well-being of the sheep — thieves, bandits, and wolves.”

–Elisabeth Johnson, Professor at Lutheran Institute of Theology, Meiganga, Cameroon, “Commentary on John 10:1-10

One Response

  1. Having a safe haven promotes self-reliance and in turn instills a sense of compassion and helpfulness to others in distress. We (sheep) learn that other (sheep) have feelings and thoughts that are BOTH similar and different from our own. Exclusion of others has no place in genuine community.