
Great Spirit Lives!

The Beatitudes* is one of the most moving spiritual passages ever written. It speaks astutely for itself, so mostly I’d like to “defer my time” and share a new translation of the text from the First Nations Version of The Gospels, Acts, and Ephesians (2017). The FNV editors expect to release the full New Testament translation in June 2020.

Not only does this version share an eloquent and novel perspective on the text, but in it we hear the timbre of American Indian Christian voices as they read the scripture for assurance in their struggle. As Choctaw Rev. Steven Charleston explains in his insightful theological treatise The Four Vision Quests of Jesus (2015), many Native peoples when first encountering the Christ story were moved by Jesus’ life and teachings, and saw in him a “Wisdomkeeper.” Like their own spiritual leaders Jesus “went to the mountain to pray” (Luke 6:12, Matthew 14:23), he experienced spiritual visions, worked the Spirit’s healing power, spoke in interpretive metaphor, and revered the teachings of nature, bringing its elements into the most sacred ceremonies of baptism and communion. Like Jesus, vast numbers of Indigenous People of the American continents and beyond had to face the power and injustice of the Empire, and died under its violence–hand in hand with the Institutional Church. But like Jesus at Easter, the story is not finished. Great Spirit lives!

Matthew 5:1-12 (FNV):
“When Creator Sets Free (Jesus) saw this great crowd, he went back up into the mountainside and sat down to teach the people. His followers came to him there, so he took a deep breath, opened him mouth and began to share his wisdom with them and teach them how to see Creator’s Good Road

Creator’s blessing rests on the poor,  the ones with broken spirits,
the good road from above is theirs to walk.

Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who walk a trail of tears,
for he will wipe the tears from their eyes and comfort them.

Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who walk softly and in a humble manner;
the earth, land, and sky will welcome them and always be their home.

Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who hunger and thrist for wrongs to be made right again;
they will eat and drink until they are full.

Creator’s blessings rests on the ones who are merciful and kind to others;
their kindness will find its way back to them–full circle.

Creator’s blessing rests on the pure of heart,
for they are the ones who will see the Great Spirit.

Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who make peace;
it will be said of them, ‘They are the children of of the Great Spirit!’

Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who are hunted down and mistreated for doing what is right,
for they are walking the Good Road from above.

Others will lie about you, speak against you, and look down on you with scorn and contempt, all because you walk the road with me. This is a sign that Creator’s blessing is resting on you. So let your hearts be glad and jump for joy, for you will be honored in the world above. You are like the prophets of old, who were treated in the same way by your ancestors.”

*Matthew 5:1-12

–Matthias Everhope (Martin), Jubilee Church

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