
Reflections this week come from four Church of the Saviour “classics” by Elizabeth O’Connor: Call to Commitment; Journey Inward, Journey Outward; Cry Pain, Cry Hope, and Servant Leaders, Servant Structures. For a gift of $25 or more before January 6, we will send these books by mail or you can pick up a bundle at the Potter’s House. You can use the secure PayPal account on our website to make your donation to Church of the Saviour.

“Day by day the disciplines let us see ourselves against the agape love of the cross, and when we thus see ourselves we are led to humility, not pride. As we move toward God we come for the first time really to know ourselves. In this movement the concept of self is changing and there is the pain of self-knowledge.”

–Elizabeth O’Connor, Call to Commitment (1994), p. 34