
Coming in the Name of Jesus

When his followers exclaim over the grandeur of the temple at Jerusalem, Jesus foresees the destruction of the city at the hands of the Roman occupying forces and the terrible things that will happen to those who resist their power.* He warns his listeners not to be afraid even when they are betrayed by trusted friends and family, even when there are wars and earthquakes and hurricanes, even when there is famine and plague and great signs and portents from heaven, even when people say they are coming in his name to predict the end of the world. “Be not afraid,” he says.

Nothing much seems to have changed in the last two thousand years. Like the disciples who stood marveling at the temple, I marvel at the latest technological advances, forgetting what Jesus keeps telling me about the good news of God’s love. I immerse myself in the news of distant disasters, forgetting that God is with me right here, right now. I listen with rapt attention to those who predict the future, forgetting to pay attention to what is happening in this very moment. I search for signs and wonders, forgetting that Jesus has already told me that the only important thing is to love God and love my neighbors with all my heart and soul and mind.

Jesus says that the disasters and misfortunes of life offer an opportunity to testify. When the situation is dire, my testimony can be one of anger, fear, and division, OR I can speak of faith, hope, and love. When people ask for my opinion or advice, I can carefully rehearse what I think will make me look good to others, OR I can trust that I will be given the words and the wisdom that are needed to speak into this present moment, in the name of Jesus.

  • Am I too caught up in the facts of each disaster to notice the presence of God?
  • Am I coming to each moment in the name of Jesus or am I simply furthering my own agenda?
  • Can I testify to the Good News of God’s love even when everything around me is falling apart?

*Luke 21:5-19

–Deborah Sokolove, Seekers Church

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