
Tony Johnson, a dedicated servant of and friend to the homeless, will be conducting a training on thoughtful and emotive approaches to homeless outreach, and how we can best participate in the empowerment of people experiencing homelessness. The training will be Saturday, June 29, 11am-2pm, in the Adams Morgan Community Room in the basement of the Line Hotel.

Tony was a Discipleship Year volunteer and is now working with National City Christian Church, First Trinity Lutheran, Church of the Saviour, and other local faith communities and organizations in supporting the needs of the city’s homeless population. He is trained as a dancer, and regularly shares these gifts of embodied worship and storytelling in the above communities and elsewhere. The upcoming training is organized and sponsored by Jubilee Church.

“My Neighbor” Vision & Mission – by Tony Johnson

Vision: As an Associate and part of the Sister’s of Mercy we are called to serve the poor, homeless community and persons living margin lives and build relationships and trust with our neighbors who are homeless on the streets and shelters in our communities.

Mission: Work with churches in the downtown DC Metropolitan area communities and streets focusing on the Gospel of Mark Chapter 12 verse 31 which calls us to Love Our Neighbor as Yourself”. The 7 Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. Lead discussions focusing on Gospel of Mark verse: 31, and workshops focusing on Living out the Gospels through Movement.

-Create works reflecting on our experiences serving our neighbors.

-Visiting shelters, serving in soup kitchens, assist in the challenges the churches face in serving the homeless community.

-Helping to recruit volunteers to serve in their homeless ministries.

-Being an advocate for the homeless community in the neighborhoods as a part of “My Neighbor” Ministries.

“It’s not about material things, it’s about the relationship we have with our brothers and sisters on the streets who are our neighbors.” -Tony

Homeless Outreach Training
Sat., June 29 – 11am-2pm
The Line Hotel – Adams Morgan Community Room

To get to the room you go down the ramp to the right of the main stairs as you face the building. When you come in to the room there is an elevator you take down to the next level and the community room is located on that floor.

Donations to Tony’s ministry can be made on Tony’ GoFundMe site.