
“Don’t judge me. You wanna judge me, put on a black gown and get a gavel. Get in line with the rest of them that’s about to judge me. I got court dates every other month. It’s me against the world–that’s how I feel.”

-Lil Wayne

5 Responses

  1. Ronald, I was also surprised by the selection of this quote, but isn’t it a contemporary version of this week’s scripture, Luke 6:39-49? Didn’t Jesus commune with criminals and outcasts, and was our Lord not victimized on the cross? Is there no greater glory than this act of humble sacrifice?

  2. Ronald, if you’re writing about today’s quote, I included it, not as a guide, but just as an expression of one person’s life experience that is different from mine. I try to listen to all kinds of people, so I don’t remain in a Christian ghetto. Thanks for your thoughts.

    1. I can appreciate your trying to understand someone else’s experience. However, you are presupposing that this writer’s experience is not mine, when in fact I understand quite well. Been there, done that, and grateful that God pulled me out of the darkness. Complaining about being held accountable for one’s actions is simply whining–regardless of one’s faith tradition–and whining is not enlightening.

  3. Not at all inspiring. Glories victimization and is antithetical to Christian teaching. Do better.