One of the first tasks of the mission group is to develop the covenant that holds the group together. The basic elements of a mission group covenant are:
- A Description of the “Call” summarizing the group’s shared mission.
- The Specific Spiritual Practices followed by the group on a daily basis: i.e. prayer (silence, intercession, etc.), Scripture reading decided by the group, spiritual reports, etc. This commitment includes a specific agreed upon minimum time of daily practice (i.e. 15 – 20 minutes, 30 minutes). Being specific in this way is not being legalistic. Rather it expresses the importance of daily spiritual practice. The group provides a structure for support and accountability, not judgment.
- The Rhythm of the Group Meeting: i.e. once a week for 90 minutes. (Experience has shown that this is the most helpful rhythm for meeting. However, some groups may need to find other rhythms. Any rhythm chosen by the group must be one that allows the group members to live fully into the inward, outward, and together aspects of the group.)
- The Shared Leadership Roles exercised by group members. (These are described next week.)
What is the Structure of Mission Group Meetings?
Each group develops the rhythm and structure of its meetings. A suggested guideline is to meet weekly for 90 minutes. The following parts are usually present in a mission group meeting:
- Worship: Various forms of prayer (i.e. centering, embodiment, spoken), Lectio Divina method of Scripture reading, singing, etc. The forms of worship are those most meaningful to the group and will likely vary over time. It is best for the form of worship to be participatory and not a ”devotion” shared by only one person.
- Study: This can be a discussion of a section of Scripture, a book or articles related to the mission of the group, or a book or articles of interest to the group but not directly related to the mission. Although study is a part of the group structure, a mission group is not a book or Bible study group.
- Mission related discussion and planning: The mission of the group needs regular attention. However, the mission is never fully accomplished in any meeting. It is important that this “business” is included but does not dominate the meeting. Therefore, it is best for mission related discussion and planning not to be the first item of the group meeting.
- Personal Sharing: The mission group is a place of sharing and vulnerability. Time is allotted in each meeting for personal sharing. The amount of time devoted to this sharing will vary depending on what is happening in the lives of group members. This sharing may or may not be related to the contents of the weekly spiritual report that is submitted to the group’s spiritual director.
- Closing Prayer (spoken or silent)
-Jim Melson, Cornelius Corps, New Community Church